From the Souvenir Journal 60th Anniversary Banquet 1960
At the close of the nineteenth century, Eastern Europe's teeming millions were imbued with new
spirit and hope at stories of a new land of freedom and opportunity. The magic word "America"
was carried by winds from beyond the horizon, across the stormy Atlantic, through the plains and
mountains of Austria-Hungcry, Roumonia, Russia and into the homes of pogrom scarred Jewish
families in these countries.
Young men and women bade tearful farewells to friends and family and set forth on the
long journey in search of the Golden Rainbow in this new land of religious freedom and
opportunity. As fast as these pioneers were able to earn sufficient funds, they sent for wives,
children, mothers, fathers, and friends. They landed at Castle Garden in New York, Philadelphia,
and other ports of entry in the United States, homeless and in many cases friendless.
Among these new arrivals were many young men from the town of Dembitz. One such
Dembitzer, Elias Rinder, an uncle of our esteemed member, Arthur Schreier, established a barber
shop on Clinton Street in New York City. His establishment soon became a popular rendezvous
for other Dembitzers. This small intimate nucleus decided to perpetuate this spirit of good
fellowship that radiated from these informal get-togethers at Rinder s barber shop by organizing a
fraternal and benevolent organization. The first meeting of this small group was held in the rear of
the barber shop the first Thursday of May, 1900. The name, "DEMBITZER YOUNG MEN`S
BENEVOLENT SOCIETY" was formally adopted and a certificate of incorporation was applied
From an original membership of less than twenty-five, our Organization rapidly expanded
to its present membership of more than 300 represented in every vocation and profession.
From its early beginning, the Dembitzer Y. M. B. S. strove to aid not only its own
members, but also became a leading factor in promoting the welfare of the Jewish community
everywhere. Throughout the years, in addition to aiding its members through the payment of sick
benefits, endowment benefits, special aid, etc., we also have made regular contributions to many
recognized worthy causes in the United States and abroad. Among these beneficiaries are included
During the first and second World Wars and Korea, our Organization was extremely active in the
cause of the War effort. We made regular contributions to the Red Cross, The U.S.O., the Jewish
Welfcre Boord and other wartime causes. We also purchased $30,000.00 of the United States War
Bonds, and since the establishment of the State or Israel, we have purchased many Israel bonds,
donated cash and also presented Israel with a housing unit. Quite a number of our members were
in the Armed Forces. Not only did we correspond with them regularly, but we also sent them gift
packages at frequent intervals as a gesture of our fraternal interest. We erected a plaque in our
meeting rooms to commemorate the names of the members and sons of members who served in
the Armed Forces.
In spite of our commendable record of benevolence, both to the membership and the
above enumerated Agencies, our Organization is financially sound, and in addition to substantial
cash resources, also owns free and clear, three ( 3 ) large parcels of land in Washington, Mt.
Hebron and Beth David Cemeteries, and three magnificent gates have been erected thereon.
The enviable achievements of our Organization during the past sixty years resulted from
the unselfish endeavor of the many active members. The history of our Organization will always
reflect with pride and glory, the contribution of those faithful Dembitzer members. Above all, we
shall never forget the inspirational and monumental achievements, in behalf of our Organization,
of our late revered departed brothers, such as Dr. Max Dashowitz, Sol Roth, Ben gamin Schreier,
Alfred Taffet, Osias Rosen, Max Hirshlock, Lazarus Hirschlock, and others. The welfare of our
Organization was always their first consideration, and they shall live in our hearts forever.
We are proud of our President, Abraham Leibowitz, who joined the Dembitzer Y. M. B.
S. in 1915, and became an ardent worker from the very beginning, and who has held the high
office of President since 1936 up to the present time. Under his splendid guidance, a great many
sons and sons-in-law of our members have affiliated with us, and we have every assurance that
the traditions and policies of our Organization will be carried on by this younger generation, with
the assistance of the older active and experienced members and officers.
His reward has been the satisfaction of knowing that his efforts contributed towards the
building and strengthening of a great organization, and creating many everlasting friendships.
Being mindful of the progress of our Organization during the past sixty years, we look
forward with hope and confidence to many more years of continued benevolent and fraternal
association among our members, and to the perpetuation of our dignified Organization.
If you have more information about this
organization please send it to me and I will add it to this home
Israel Preker
( 15313 Rishon Lezion Israel 75053)
researcher for the
history of the
Jews from Debica - Poland.
E mail
15th Anniversary banquet - New York May 1915
50 th Anniversary banquet 1950, Sunday, December 3rd, 1950 N.Y U.S.A
Includes the full list of the names and the addresses of the
297 members.
60 th Anniversary banquet 1960,
Sunday, May 1st 1960 N.Y U.S.A
From a letter of Phyllis Kramer
"... However, I do have the following remembrance from my mother about the dembitzer meetings when they met on east 7th street, between C and D, meeting rooms with pool table, played cards (pinocle), and every once in a while gussie Scheiner would make a big tub of borsht and potatoes and wheel it over in a baby carriage, so that the men could have lunch.
My mother also reminisced that the bagel man sisters would sing, father would play the piano, and they became the Barry Sisters, which we have the record. Lovely Yiddish and English songs.
In 1930 (May 30th) there was a 30th anniversary dinner at park place 110th street in NYC. All the past presidents were introduced; at this dinner my grandfather received a tribute. There was an album Current president is Arnold Weisler 3125 tibbett riverdale ny I also spoke to Marvin Kaff.....when I told him my grandfather was Abe Scheiner, his wife took out old books and found his name. Also, he remembered my uncle Tully Scheiner.
Older cemetery plots for Dembitzers are in Mt. Hebron, long island, and Washington Cemetery, in Brooklyn. Bob dash now lives in San Jose.
Marvin said the organization still eats in a Forest Hills restaurant, there are about 60 members......but only men. so I cannot attend. He offered to take in a grandson, but I don't have any. Marvin said the organization began in 1900."
E-mail--Phyllis Kramer
I am looking for the lists of the Jews who are buried in Washington, Mt.
Hebron and Beth David Cemeteries in New York and also for photos of the gates for Dembitz areas.
E-mail--Israel Preker
Looking for information about Salamon Dembitzer.
Photos of The Dembitzer plot and gates at
Beth David cemetery
Does the Dembetzer Society have records of information about it's
My Grandfather and my two Uncles were members. I have the photo from
the 1930 Banquet.
Jacob Berl, Isadore Brodt and Herman Brodt.
I am trying to find their immigration information, I have very little to
go on.
Who should I call for the records?
Sharon Mesick
Dear Mr. Preker
I have just started doing some research about my family's roots in
Poloand. They came from a shetl near Dembitz. In any case, I thought
you might be interested to know that My grandfather Solomon Klotz was
president of the Dembitzers Y.M.B.S. in 1915 and was later the secretary
of the organization. My grandfather is buried in the Dembitzer plot at
Mt. Hebron Cemetary.
I have found in my mother's home a booklet from a banquet held in 1915
with a photograph of I believe all the members at that time. I also
have papers and a record from the Dembitzer meetings . This record spans
from 1919 to 1939. Included in the records are two sketches of what
may be the then proposed entrance gate to the Dembitzer cemetary
plot. As I clean out my mother's home (she is moving) if I find other
things of interest I will let you know.
Finally, if you might have any information concerning the Klotz family
in Dembitz I would be interested. I have found only the name of Aron
Klotz (I believe my grandfather's brother) on a record of businesses in
the town of Biecz in 1891.
Nancy Klotz