My grandfather, Joseph Wisniewski, immigrated to the United States in
1903 when he was just 16-18 years old (not sure).
He indicated on his
naturalization papers for U.S. citizenship, that he was born in Dembica
Poland and that this was his last known town of residence before he arrived
in the U.S.
His father and mother, who I assume were living in Dembica at the time, were
namef Walenty and Josephine Wisniewski. Someday I want to get to Poland and
research his family. Now I know where Dembica is located.
However, I do have a question. He also indicated at that time that he was
from Russia. However, Poland did not exist as a country at that time. Parts
of it were Austria (Galicia), Germany, and Russia. Would Dembica have been
considered to have been in Russia? I have searched for a map at that period
of time (turn of the century) that would indicate what parts of Poland were
in Russia. That is another thing that confuses me. If Dembica was not
considered Russia, why did he list it as his town and then also indicate he
was from Russia?
There are so many questions and not many answers right now.
But I was so excited to find your web site!
I live in Texas in the USA. My name is Mary Jo Kuskie (maiden name was Wisniewski).